Modisco tl.modisco

Modisco tl.modisco#

Tfmodisco (utility) functions. Requires the modisco-lite package to be installed.

tfmodisco([contrib_dir, class_names, ...])

Run tf-modisco on one-hot encoded sequences and contribution scores stored in .npz files.

match_h5_files_to_classes(contribution_dir, ...)

Match .h5 files in a given directory with a list of class names and returns a dictionary mapping.

process_patterns(matched_files[, ...])

Process genomic patterns from matched HDF5 files, trim based on information content, and match to known patterns.

create_pattern_matrix(classes, all_patterns)

Create a pattern matrix from classes and patterns, with optional normalization.


Generate nucleotide sequences from pattern data.

pattern_similarity(all_patterns, idx1, idx2)

Compute the similarity between two patterns.

find_pattern(pattern_id, pattern_dict)

Find the index of a pattern by its ID.

find_pattern_matches(all_patterns, html_paths)

Find and filter pattern matches from the modisco-lite list of patterns to the motif database from the corresponding HTML paths.


Calculate the similarity matrix for the given patterns.


Read an AnnData object from an H5AD file and calculates the mean gene expression per cell type subclass.

generate_html_paths(all_patterns, classes, ...)

Generate html paths for each pattern in the filtered array.


Read a TSV file mapping motifs to transcription factors (TFs) into a DataFrame.

create_pattern_tf_dict(pattern_match_dict, ...)

Create a dictionary mapping patterns to their associated transcription factors (TFs) and other metadata.

create_tf_ct_matrix(pattern_tf_dict, ...[, ...])

Create a tensor (matrix) of transcription factor (TF) expression and cell type contributions.